Monday, June 4, 2007

green green everywhere green

I carry on like a fool every Spring, getting all excited about things coming up from the ground. I know that in the Spring the leaves will show up on the trees and that bulbs and plants that have been under the ground will suddenly put shoots above the ground; but each year this activity fills me with wonder. Every morning I do a check of the flower garden front and back to see what is new and which blooms have had their day. Each day hold surprises. I know that I put many of these bulbs, plants, bushes and trees in the ground so they would grew and blossom but I am always surprised when they do. The Peonies are opening, the ants have done their part and the buds are opening. These plants came with the house and last year when they opened I was really surprised as they were not the Peonies that I was used to. There is one that is single petal all around in a delicate white with pale pink, another that is double petals which is a rose colour and the other is the one I am more familar with, the multi petaled bloom in a bright fuscia colour. They are standing about 3 1/2 feet high and are a wonder to see, close to 50 blooms per plant. If I could figure out how to get pictures in here I would share the current garden's blooms with you.
I wish my knitting was growing as fast as the plants. I am in the home stretch on the Beach sweater. I find it hard to knit with the cotton in a DK weight, it doesn't seem to have much give and each stitch is an effort. I am working on the lower band and get about 3 to 5 rows done at a sitting. When this is finished I have a sweater kit that I got from Buffy that I am itching to get at but I think I want something light and fluffy on smaller needles that will not be so heavy. I have a wonderful skein of Suri-blue from Fleece Artist that I want to do something with but I haven't decided what I want to make with it. It would make a wonderful shawl or scarf but I don't tend to get dressed up very often so they sit in a drawer. I suppose I could make it and give it to my sister for Christmas but I really do like the colourway for me. Back the Beach sweater for me.

1 comment:

brigitte said...

Indeed, the wonders of nature appear to have a stronger impact on us as we age. I would love to see pictures of your garden and would be glad to help you figure out how to upload them to the site .. ..

Have you read any of the Amy Stewart books? I think you would love "From the Ground Up" as well as "The Earth Moved."